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Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

Hello! I present to you: Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern.

I like the idea of traveling through space, discover other planets, think that there are wonderful worlds inhabited by extraordinary beings … let the imagination fly …

But don’t you think the spaceships are a bit boring?

Are we going to travel through the universe on a sad gray spaceship?

Of course not!

I show you a new pattern: This fun colors spaceship amigurumi pattern that will be the envy of most intrepid captains.

With the one-piece crocheted hull and big other pieces, it´s the perfect toy for kids.

As in all my designs is completely soft and also, when using bright colors and highlighting the elements in black, we give it the appearance of a cartoon.

How cool is that?

Size: 13,7″ / 35 cm long , 11,8″ / 30 cm wide, 6,6″ / 17 cm high

Difficulty: High

Estimated time: 10 h

Hook size: 2  mm


  • Yarn of different colors: black, light blue, yellow, red, light green.
  • Thickness of the yarn: 3 – 4 mm
  • Hook according to the thickness of the yarn.
  • Yarn needle
  • Fiberfill


  • sc: Single crochet.
  • inc: increase
  • dec: decrease
  • st: stitch

Fill the doll as you crochet

With Green light yarn

1. Work 6 sc in magic ring.
2. Inc in every st (12).
3. “1 sc, inc” repeat to the end of the round (18).
4. “2 sc, inc” repeat (24).
5. “3 sc, inc” repeat (30).
6. Change to red yarn and crochet “4 sc, inc” repeat (36).
7. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (36). You will return to this round to complete the hull.
8. “5 sc, inc” repeat (42).

9. “6 sc, inc” repeat (48).

10 Change to blue yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (48).
11. Stop crocheting in spiral and begin to crochet in rounds (traditional way) to make the black stripes as straight as possible. Crochet 1 sc with black yarn and 5 sc with light blue, following this sequence to the end of the round. You will have 8 black stripes (48).
12. From this round and the next ones you must change the color when appropriate, to continue crocheting the striped piece. Crochet “7 sc, inc” repeat (54).

13. “8 sc, inc” repeat (60).
14 to 25. 1 sc in each st (60).
26. “8 sc, dec” repeat (54).
27. “7 sc, dec” repeat (48).
28. “6 sc, dec” repeat (42).
29. “5 sc, dec” repeat (36).
30. “4 sc, dec” repeat (30).

31. Now you can stop crocheting in rounds and return to crochet again in spiral.

Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30).
32. 1 sc in each st (30).
33. Change to light green yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30).
34 to 43. 1 sc in each st (30).
44. Change to red yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30).
45. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (30). You will return to this round to complete the hull.
46. ​​Crochet in rounds again to make a new striped piece. You must crochet 1 sc with black yarn and 5 sc with red, following this sequence to the end. This time you will have 5 black stripes. (30).
47. Continue changing color as appropriate in this round and the next ones. Crochet “4 sc, inc” repeat (36).
48. “5 sc, inc” repeat (42).
49. “6 sc, inc” repeat (48).
50. “7 sc, inc” repeat (54).

51. “8 sc, inc”, repeat (60).

52. Crochet in spiral again.

Change to yellow yarn and crochet “9 sc, inc” repeat (66).
53. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (66). You will return to this round to complete the hull.
54. “10 sc, inc” repeat (72).
55. 1 sc in each st (72).
56. Change to light blue yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (72).
57. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (72). You will return to this round to complete the hull.
58. to 90. 1 sc in each st (72).
91. “10 sc, dec” repeat (66).
92. “9 sc, dec” repeat (60).
93. “8 sc, dec” repeat (54).

94. “7 sc, dec” repeat (48).
95. “6 sc, dec” repeat (42).
96. “5 sc, dec” repeat (36).
97. “4 sc, dec” repeat (30).
98. “3 sc, dec” repeat (24).
99. “2 sc, dec” repeat (18).
100. “1 sc, dec” repeat (12).
101. Dec in every st (6).
Fasten off. Sew with the yarn needle.


With black yarn

Round 7, Holding  the spaceship pointing up, crochet in the free loops 1 sc in each st (36). Fasten off.

Round 10, Ship down, 1 sc in each st (48). Fasten off.

Round 45 , Ship up, 1 sc in each st (30). Fasten off.

Round 53, Ship up, 1 sc in each st (66). Fasten off.

Round 57, Ship up, 1 sc in each st (72). Fasten off.

WINGS (x2)

Straight part

With Green light yarn

1. Ch 19 and work 18 sc on the chain.
2. Continue crocheting without turning, that is, over the beginning chains again another 18 sc. You will have a 36 sc piece.
3. Place the round marker to start crocheting all around “5 sc, inc” repeat (42).
4. “6 sc, inc” repeat (48).
5. to 20. 1 sc in each st (48).
Fasten off.

Triangular Part

With yellow yarn

1. Ch 13 and work 12 sc on the chain.
2. Continue crocheting without turning, that is, over the beginning chains again another 12 sc. You will have a 24 sc piece.
3. Place the round marker to begin crocheting in a continuous round 1 sc in each st (24).
4 and 5. 1 sc in each st (24).
6. 2 dec, 18 sc, 1 dec (21).
7. 1 sc in each st (21).
8. 2 dec, 15 sc, 1 dec (18).
9. and 10. 1 sc in each st (18).
11. 2 dec, 12 sc, 1 dec (15).
12 and 13. 1 sc in each st (15).
14. 2 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec (12).
15 and 16. 1 sc in each st (12).
17. 2 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec (9).
18. And 19. 1 sc in each st (9).
20. 2 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec (6).
Fasten off. Sew with the yarn needle.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern
Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

With red yarn

1. Ch 7 and work 6 sc on the chains.
2. Continue crocheting without turning the piece, that is, over the beginning chains again another 6 sc, to get a 12 sc piece.
3. Place the round marker to start crocheting in a continuous rounds 1 sc in each st (12).
4. Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (12).
Fasten off.

These ornaments shall be placed in the junction between the straight part and the triangular part of the wings.

Embroider with black yarn the junction of the wings with the hull.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

With red yarn

1. Work 4 sc in magic ring.
2. “1 sc, inc” repeat (6).
3. “1 sc, inc” repeat (9).
4. “2 sc, inc” repeat (12).
5. “3 sc, inc” repeat (15).
6. Change to light green yarn and crochet “4 sc, inc” repeat (18).
7. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (18). You will return to this round to complete the rocket.
8. “5 sc, inc” repeat (21).
9. “6 sc, inc” repeat (24).
10. “7 sc, inc” repeat (27).
11. “8 sc, inc” repeat (30).
12. Change to light blue yarn and work 1 sc in each st in the post of each st (30).
13. 1 sc in each st (30).
14. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (30). You will return to this round to complete the rocket.
15 Al 35. 1 sc in each st (30).
36. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (30). You will return to this round to complete the rocket.
37. “8 sc, dec” repeat (27).
38. Change to green yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (27).
39. And 40. 1 sc in each st (27).
41. “7 sc, dec” repeat (24).
42. 1 sc in each st (24).
43. Change to red yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (24). You will return to this round to complete the rocket.
44. “2 sc, dec” repeat (18).
45. “1 sc, dec” repeat (12).
​​46. Dec in every st (6).

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

Fasten off. Sew with the yarn needle.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern


With black yarn

Round 7, Holding the rocket with the tip pointing up, crochet in the free loops 1 sc in each st (18).

Fasten off.

With blue yarnColors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

1. Round 14, tip upwards, 1 sc in each st (30).
2. Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st. Fasten off.

With blue yarn

1. Round 36, tip upwards, 1 sc in each st (30).
2. Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30). Fasten off.

With yellow yarn

1. Round 43, tip down, 1 sc in each st (24).
2. “3 sc, inc” repeat (30).
3. “4 sc, inc” repeat (36).
4. 1 sc in each st (36). Fasten off.

Turn the piece and holding it with the tip pointing up, crochet with black yarn 1 sc in each st (36). Fasten off.

With red yarn

1. Work 6 sc in magic ring.
2. Inc in every st (12).
3. “1 sc, inc” repeat (18).
4. Change to yellow yarn and crochet “2 sc, inc” repeat (24).
5. “3 sc, inc” repeat (30).
6. Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30).
Fasten off.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi PatternColors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

With red yarn

1. Work 6 sc in magic ring.
2. Inc in every st (12).
3. Change to yellow yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (12). You will return to this round to complete the missile.
4. “1 sc, inc” repeat (18).
5 and 6. 1 sc in each st (18).
7. Change to light green yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in at each st (18). You will return to this round to complete the missile.
8. “2 sc, inc” repeat (24).
9 to 11. 1 sc in each st (24).
12. Change to light blue yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (24). You will return to this round to complete the missile.
13 to 25. 1 sc in each st (24).
26. Change to red yarn and crochet in back loops only 1 sc in at each st (24). You will return to this round to complete the missile.
27. “2 sc, dec” repeat (18).
28. “1 sc, dec” repeat (12).
29. Dec in every st (6).
Fasten off. Sew with the yarn needle.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern


With black yarn

Round 3, Holding the missile with the tip pointing up, crochet in the free loops 1 sc in each st (12). Fasten off.

Round 7, Tip up, 1 sc in each st (18). Fasten off.

Round 12, Tip up, 1 sc in each st (24). Fasten off.

With red yarn

1. Round 26, tip down, 1 sc in each st (24).
2. “3 sc, inc” repeat (30).
3. “4 sc, inc” repeat (36).
4. 1 sc in each st (36).
5. Crochet the tips:

They will be 4 in total.

With red yarn

1. Crochet 5 sc.
2. To 5. Don’t ch 1 in this row and the next ones, you will dec 1 sc (4), (3), (2), (1).

Fasten off.

Leave 4 sc of separation and begin crocheting the second tip in the same way. So you do 4, but leave the last one without fastening off to continue crocheting all around the piece with sc. Change to black yarn and crochet all around with sc again. Fasten off.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

With red yarn

1. Work 6 sc in magic ring.
2. Inc in every st (12).
3. “1 sc, inc” repeat (18).
4. 1 sc in each st (18).
5. Crochet in back loops only 1 sc in each st (18). You will return to this round to complete the support.
6. “2 sc, inc” repeat (24).
7. 1 sc in each st (24).
8. “3 sc, inc” repeat (30).
9. 1 sc in each st (30).
10. Change to black yarn and crochet 1 sc in each st (30).

Fasten off.

With black yarn

Round 5, Holding the support with the open part pointing up, crochet 1 sc in each st (18). Fasten off.

One last detail: On the hull, between the support of the missile and the front yellow part, embroider 2 black lines between which you must sew a yellow one.

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

FINISHED! Have fun with this Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

What do you think of my colored ship? Do you like to crochet it?

6 thoughts on “Colors Spaceship Amigurumi Pattern

  1. ¡¡Vaya!! Está genial
    Muchas gracias. Me encantan tus patrones

  2. genial se lo enseñaré a mis nietos y si lo quieren se lo haré, gracias por tu inventiva y profesionalidad

    1. Gracias a ti Conchi!
      Un besito para ti y para tus nietos!

  3. una obra de arte como siempre !!!!! los patrones que compre fabulosos

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