Sometimes we forget that on the other side of a message there is a real person, of flesh and blood, with problems, concerns, in short, a life. Today I will show you how to use crochet and amigurumis as therapy.
Through this passion that joins us, I have discovered that crocheting amigurumis is more than making a doll with yarn, hook and fiberfill.
Starting with myself, the amigurumis have helped me to improve my self-esteem and to cope with moments of great sadness or worry. They have been a distraction, a relief and on many occasions the necessary push that has prevented me from falling into discouragement.
Since I started this adventure, there have been many messages that I have received. Messages of all kinds, from daily consultations related to patterns, to thanks or congratulations, but without a doubt, the messages that move me most are those in which you make me a participant in the reasons that have led you to crochet amigurumis:
The nostalgic for the physical separation of her children and grandchildren has led one of our friends to this hobby. She crochets for them, to send them these little dolls with all her love and feel them closer.
The need to escape in the day to day of a hard hospitalization and the forced subsequent rest have caused that another friend wished to learn more about this technique. Once recovered, crocheting amigurumis is still an aid to feel good, motivate herself, lose her nerves and gain concentration.
With experience in crochet since childhood, obligations as an adult led another friend to leave the crochet. After going through a stressful situation, she returned to her hobby, focusing on the amigurumis, with which she discovered her passion and effective therapy.
Also with extensive experience, the passion of another friend for crochet has led her to collect thousands of patterns. The amigurumis of animals are her favorites although she is already encouraging herself to make them of another type. Already retired, does not stop crocheting, because she has the most important purpose: make children happy. She takes part in charitable auctions and in charity, giving away her creations to children who need them most.
The nonconformity before a severe situation that has him lying in bed has fond of another friend to the crochet and in his eagerness of overcoming has discovered the amigurumis. The smile of the children to whom he gives his creations is what matters most to him.
These are just some real examples of how using crochet and amigurumis as therapy provides us with numerous benefits:
Emotional benefits:
- Increase in creativity and self-esteem
- Improvement of attention and memory.
- Mental dexterity.
- Helps relaxation.
- Facilitate socialization by being part of groups and sharing experiences.
- Reduction of stress and certain behaviors such as smoking or biting the nails.
- Decreased levels of depression and anxiety.
- Delay of the beginning of dementia.
Physical benefits:
- Decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
- Reduction of muscle tension.
- Improvement of cerebral coordination.
- Facilitates psychomotor development.
- Calms chronic pain by releasing serotonin when improving mood.
Even in children, it has been proven how cocheting is a highly beneficial activity, especially in those who find it difficult to concentrate. Starting with simple and brief tasks is achieved to maintain motivation and gain confidence in themselves. In addition, after seeing the result, they will feel satisfied and learn the value of the work and the effort they have made. All these tasks also involve an increase in creativity and an impulse to the imagination of the little ones.
As you can see, there are many benefits that crocheting brings and in our case, crocheting amigurumis.
I’m sure you have your own life experience with amigurumis. If you like, you can share it with us in the comments of this post.
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Hola Gretel, me gusto mucho este post. En mi caso el mundo de los amigurumis se me presento porque no estaba pasando por un buen momento económico y me sirvió para generar un poco de dinero. Desde ahi se convirtió en mi pasión, me ayuda a salir de la rutina diaria (casa-hijas, etc) vendo algunos, otros son regalados. Me encanta tejer amigurumis, en especial muñecas, desde que hize mi primera muñeca a principios de este año, no he parado de buscar patrones y hacer las que mas pueda. Se puede decir que el tejer amigurumis es una pasión adictiva, una vez que haces el primero, ya no puedes parar.
Un gran abrazo. Saludos desde Chile.
Bernarda Oñate
Hola Bernarda! Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia con tod@s!
Te comprendo muy bien. El tuyo es un ejemplo de cómo tejer amigurumis ha influido en varios aspectos de tu vida. Me alegro de que te gusten tanto. Eres de las mías, “una apasionada de los amigurumis”
Un fuerte abrazo desde España 🙂
Buenos días Gretel:
He de decirte que estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo en cuanto a lo útil como terapia que es el ganchillo. Yo siempre he tejido otras cosas como colchas, tapetes, prendas de ropa, etc. pero ahora me he aficionado a los amigurumis y estoy encantada.
Gracias por tus consejos, tus ayudas y todo lo demás.
Un abrazo.
Hola Maribel! Muchas gracias por tu comentario!
Me alegro de que te haya gustado la entrada del blog y de que te hayas aficionado a los amigurumis 😉
Un abrazo
Es verdad, yo padezco fibromialgia y síndrome de fatiga crónica, los amigurumis son una fuente de entretenimiento para alguien que se pasa todo el dia en cama, acostada tambien pudes teje, pero tengo que decir que también es un poco excitante, porque quisiera hacer mucho mas de lo que puedo hacer. Pero a pesar de eso, doy gracias a esta labor que me ayuda a ayudar a otras personas que necesitan mi trabajo y a mi que tengo ilusión por hacer algo que me mantiene ocupada y entretenida. Gracias amigurumis !!!
Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Lamento mucho que sufras esas enfermedades que tantas veces la gente no comprende y que son tan difíciles de sobrellevar.
Te entiendo cuando me dices que quieres hacer más de lo que puedes, pero tú eres lo más importante y tu salud debe ser lo primero.
Te deseo el mayor alivio posible a tu padecimiento y que sigas disfrutando de los amigurumis.
Un abrazo