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New Updates Section


As much effort you put into doing things right, there is something that escapes me. What happens is not for you?. That’s why I want to talk to you about a new updates section.

At the hour of writing my amigurumi patterns I put all my attention, but is a process of many steps:

the draft and the final on paper and then step into digital format, write, add photos, editing, proofreading, translation …

And when you least expect a number that can ruin the whole pattern escapes, or repeat a sequence, or you skip a turn, the self-correcting plays a trick on you … a thousand things can go wrong.

Thinking and thinking about how to make you things easier, because no matter how hard I will still be minor niggles, I decided to add a new section to the website with updates and bug patterns that make them.

This way you can easily check if there have been any changes to your employer and to download and updated from your account.

Do you like the idea?

Anyway, I will put all my effort into that everything is correct but I hope to continue with your help and understanding and that you continue advising me if you find anything “odd” that has escaped me.

You can access the page updates from the menu PATTERNS > Updates


Visit the complete collection of Sueños Blanditos patterns!

New Updates Section

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5 thoughts on “New Updates Section

  1. Muchísimas gracia, todo me parece perfecto, nunca he tenido problemas con sus esquemas. Más bien que Dios la bendiga por tomarse el tiempo y muchas gracias por todos sus patrones. Me encanta su página.

    1. Gracias Ana Lucrecia!
      Qué linda!

  2. Me parece una buena idea.

  3. ? Gracias ❤️

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