The importance of details when crocheting amigurumis is something you should keep in mind because making an amigurumi goes far beyond crocheting pieces of yarn, stuff them and sewing them together.
Adding small embroideries, accessories, contrast in color, parts that adapt, sink… are some things you should consider if you want your amigurumi to have personality.
Today I want to talk to you about the importance of Details and give you some tips that I apply myself in my patterns so that you can make your amigurumi really special.
Let’s go!
Most of the details are incorporated into the design in a simple way, at the end, during assembly or even after the doll is finished, and serve to give your amigurumi more realism.
An example of this are Asterix’s water bottle and sword, the tie on the Beast’s mane or Elena’s of Avalor accessories (bracelet, earrings and flowers)
These are small objects that you can quickly crochet and add at the end. If you don’t like them and decide not to incorporate or replace them with others, the essence of the amigurumi will not be affected.
Although these examples are of characters, details are important in any type of amigurumi.
The contrast in the color change can turn a simple piece into a more attractive one.
Look at the dark gray edge of the UFO lights. Adding them to the main piece that is lighter color makes them highlight more in the set.

Using several shades of the same color can also be interesting.
The color change from light yellow to darker yellow in those same lights gives them a more realistic effect.

Incorporating details on the faces of our amigurumi is also something to keep in mind. They serve to add expressiveness and personality to designs.
For example, in Snow White’s eyes we can see several details: The use of a gradient brown color for the iris that gives liveliness to the gaze, the white twinkle on the pupil to fix it, a black border around it that gives it more strength and the top line with eyelashes framing the eye.

However, giving importance to the details does not mean adding the more, the better. Sometimes something simpler can reflect the expression we seek for our amigurumi. Some lines embroidered as eyes like those of the children of Communion give them the seriousness that the act implies.

However, there are details that don’t consist of additions, but rather to modify and adapt the shape of a piece according to our needs. Don’t forget that after all, amigurumis are made of yarn and fiberfill. We can take advantage of the characteristics of the materials to get that detail that can make a difference.
Using yarn of the same color as that of your piece and with the help of the yarn needle you can alter its shape.
Popeye’s face, for example, would not be the same if we had not sunk the left side. That allows us to give it its characteristic expression with the pipe.
It’s something as simple as introducing the needle with the yarn in the area you want to sink. Then, hook on the fabric and remove it on the other side, pulling hard. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary until the piece and the stuff have the desired shape. Easy, right?
Sinking the area of the eyes, the mouth, accentuating the cheeks … these are details that can totally change the expression of our amigurumis.
We can not only modify the faces, but any part and thus give it a more beautiful appearance.
Look at this tie. By sinking the sides, we can improve its appearance, don’t you think?
These are just some examples of the importance of details when making our amigurumis.
I hope you have been inspired to add your own details to your creations.
If you want, you can tell me about it in the comments.
Happy and detailed crochet!