As you know, to crochet amigurumis the hook is of special importance, since a bad choice of the same can lead us to obtain a bad result, hinder our work or even cause injuries.
This time I don’t want to talk to you about the different types of hooks, designs, materials … I will leave that for another moment.
Today we are going to start with the basics, with the parts that make it up and what each one is for.
Can you tell me how many parts a crochet hook has? And their names?
Let’s discover the Morphology of a crochet hook.
A standard hook is made up of 7 parts. Let’s see what they are:

1. Point or Head: It is the end of the hook that we insert into the fabric. We use it to hook the yarn and crochet the stitches.
In turn, it is made up of:

-Mouth: Hold the yarn when crocheting the stitches.
-Hook: Prevents the yarn from coming out of the mouth when crocheting.
2. Throat: Guide the thread into the work area.
3. Work area: It holds the loops and is very important because it determines the size of the stitches. The size of the hook tells us precisely the diameter of the work area.

4. Thumb rest: It is the flat part in which we place the thumb or another finger and thus be able to handle the hook. In this part usually appears the numbering or measurement of the hook.

5. Handle: It is the final end of the hook and is used to manage it with the palm of the hand or the other fingers, depending on the way in which we hold it.

As you can see, each part of the hook has its reason for being and knowing the morphology of a crochet hook will help us to improve our work.
Until next time!