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Pecosa, the craftswoman who gives work to Peruvian women

In my previous post I talked about the different physical and emotional benefits that crocheting amigurumis gives us.

This time I want to talk about how amigurumi can open new horizons in the professional field and how great things can be achieved with effort and perseverance.

This is the example of Katia Horbatiuk and “Pecosa” the amigurumis brand that she has created in Peru.

This young Ukrainian girl, passionate on crochet since she was a little girl, has turned her passion into a way of life and an entrepreneurial project that provides work for dozens of Peruvian women with difficulties accessing the labor market.

Proud to be a weaver, Katia began her project in 2013 through Facebook. Overwhelmed by the increasing number of requests she received, she sought help from other women, thus initiating an important training and employment program: “Pecosa en casa”.

Thus, through various workshops, Pecosa provides training in the art of crocheting facilitating the labor insertion of many women whose personal situation makes it impossible for them to go to a job. In this way, the weavers receive the materials and carry out their work from their homes, being able to reconcile their work with their family obligations.

Converted into the first crocheted dolls store in Latin America, “Pecosa” is undoubtedly a great example. It is admirable that in addition to doing what she loves, she helps many women by giving them the opportunity to learn, access the labor market and feel valued.

Here you can see an interview  that they did to her on, a video for lovers of amigurumi and entrepreneurship. Clic on play!

You can visit her here:



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